  1. United States
  2. Letter

End the double tax on self-employment

To: V.P. Harris

From: A verified voter in Westford, MA

August 21

Self-employed people currently pay a double social security tax. While the reason seems fair—they don’t have an employer to pay half—this is an undue burden. When self-employed people do well, they end up hiring others and creating additional employment. Self-employment is important to this country. End the double social security tax on low-income and middle-income self-employed people by providing a tax credit to offset the additional amount. Self-employed people currently pay a double social security tax. While the reason seems fair—they don’t have an employer to pay half—this is an undue burden. When self-employed people do well, they end up hiring others and creating additional employment. Self-employment is important to this country. End the double social security tax on self-employed people by providing a tax credit to offset the additional amount. This should be specifically for low-income and middle-income self-employed people.

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