  1. United States
  2. Ill.
  3. Letter

Take action to improve retirement equity

To: Sen. Johnson, Gov. Pritzker, Rep. Mayfield

From: A constituent in Gurnee, IL

April 19

I am a member of a coalition of labor unions representing thousands of public employees. I am writing today to encourage you to support fixes to the Tier 2 pension system. I am a member of a coalition of labor unions representing thousands of public employees. I am writing today to encourage you to support fixes to the Tier 2 pension system. The disparities in our retirement system hurt our ability to retain talented workers, recruit the next generation of talent, and have led to worker shortages that threaten the health and safety of Illinois communities. Fixing Tier 2 pensions is an essential investment toward keeping Illinois safe. I ask that you support efforts to improve Tier 2 and work with us to make this important fix for the future of Illinois.

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