  1. United States
  2. Illinois

Illinois Open Letters

Map PinChicago, IL

Extremely disappointing, but unfortunately unsurprising, that you would go and support a war criminal. Attending a talk by a man that is directly responsible for death and destruction is wrong. You should be ashamed for clapping for that man. For someone who has been in war, you are disgustingly way

Map PinChicago, IL

Thank you for not attending Netanyahu’s address yesterday. You communicated about how supporting people does not mean blindly supporting a corrupt and terrible leader. I also appreciate your skipping as it shows you listening to the majority of people. Thank you.

Map PinChicago, IL

Thank you for not attending Netanyahu’s address yesterday. I know that you also skipped his 2015 address. Both times you communicated about how supporting people does not mean blindly supporting a corrupt and terrible leader. I also appreciate your skipping as it shows you listening to the majority

Map PinChicago, IL

I'm writing to you today because you keep resurrecting KOSA. I'm going to ask you to stop supporting KOSA. You are going to murder queer people with this bad legislation. There are alternatives. There was that other Congress guy with simple solution tech bills. You just build this over complex bundl

Map PinChicago, IL

Thank you for not attending Netanyahu’s address yesterday. I know that you also skipped his 2015 address. Both times you communicated about how supporting the Israeli people does not mean blindly supporting a corrupt and terrible leader. I also appreciate your skipping as it shows you listening to t

Map PinChicago, IL

Thank You for Boycotting Netanyahu

I would like to thank Senator Durbin for boycotting today’s joint session with Netanyahu. As a constituent, the safety and well-being of Palestinian civilians and holding Israel accountable for the war crimes committed against Palestinian’s are of utmost important to me. I hope that even if the sena

Map PinChicago, IL

Do not meet Netanyahu. Do not watch him speak. He is a war criminal. He acts the same was as Putin and should be treated thusly. Netanyahu, like Putin, bombs hospitals, schools, etc. They both lead armies that are committing the most heinous crimes. We are disgustingly propping up one of their armie

Verified VoterChicago, IL

Hold Supreme Court Justices Accountable

I'm writing to ask you to support President Biden's proposals to reform the Supreme Court, and AOC's articles of impeachment for the compromised justices. We cannot have the highest court in the land operated on a basis of bribery and cronyism.

Map PinChicago, IL

Vote no on flawed Kids Online Safety Act (KOSA)

e health) to be used to silence us. The Democratic Party wants to be the party of inclusion, so please listen to us and vote no. As your constituent, I implore you to vote no on KOSA. Protecting kids online is good! Letting right wing state attorney generals and Project 2025 decide tion's definition

Map PinElmhurst, IL

Endorse Kamala!

Please endorse Kamala for President! Did not see your names on the endorsement list on her website. She has an incredible story and history of action. I’d appreciate it if you supported her publicly. She will support equality in Illinois and offer a more nuanced view on crime than her opponent.

Map PinGeneva, IL

Endorse Harris for President

Please publicly announce your support for Kamala Harris for president. This is not the time for a contested convention. We all need to rally around Harris and get her elected. Our country can not withstand another Trump presidency.

Map PinGlencoe, IL

Kamala Harris

Please make sure your support for Kamala Harris for President is vocal and unequivocal. This is a time for unity. Thank you.

Verified VoterChicago, IL

Endorse Harris!!!

In light of President Biden stepping down from the election, it’s urgent that we coalesce around the only remaining candidate who’s been on the ballot and selected by primary voters: Kamala Harris. I urge you to endorse VP Harris as quickly as possible!

Verified VoterDecatur, IL

It is time for Democrats and all those who are opposed to another disastrous Trump presidency to unify behind a new candidate. We cannot survive infighting among "potential" Democratic nominees, it is imperative that EVERYONE immediately and vociferously backs a single candidate.

Map PinGilberts, IL

Now that President Biden has dropped out of the race for the White House, it is crucial that we all support Vice President Kamala Harris vigorously and loudly. I expect you to support her nomination immediately.

Map PinGilberts, IL

Now that President Biden has dropped out of the race for the White House, it is crucial that we all support Vice President Kamala Harris vigorously and loudly. I expect you to support her nomination immediately.

Map PinEvanston, IL

Please endorse VP Harris for president now!

Please endorse Vice President Harris as our presidential candidate asap—our party needs to unite around her as soon as possible if we are to have a chance to beat Trump in November!

Map PinLake In The Hills, IL

Endorse Kamala Harris for President ASAP

rge you to endorse VP Harris as quickly as possible. rgent that we coalesce around the only remaining candidate who’s be en on the ballot and selected by primary voters: Kamala Harris. I u In light of President Biden stepping down from the election, it’s u

Verified VoterEdwardsville, IL

Please offer unwaivering support to Kamala Harris. I know I will.

Verified VoterEvanston, IL

Please endorse Harris as presidential candidate ASAP

President Biden has stepped down from the race for the presidency in November, and has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to be the Democratic nominee. Please support the party and the American people by also immediately endorsing VP Harris to be the presidential nominee at the DNC next month. Le

Verified VoterChicago, IL

I am emphatically begging you to back Vice President Harris as the new nominee. She is competent and has experience in the branch. Anyone else would be throwing a dart at the dart board. Please, don't mess this up.

Verified VoterWheeling, IL

Hello my name is Michael prochaska and my son Timothy prochaska is in 7th grade in school district 21. He has an disability called ODD and ADHD. He just got kicked out of his placement at safe haven school in lake bluff. I don’t want just send Timmy to residental until we exhaust all our options. 

Verified VoterElgin, IL

The voters are with President Biden. He has delivered for the American people more than any other modern era president. Democrats need to stay united and back our candidate. A house divided can not stand. It's too important to mess up.

Verified VoterMaywood, IL


I am asking that the Democrats PUBLICALLY support President Biden and state PUBLICALLY that he should remain in the Presidential race. The Democrats had a Primary and the people has spoken. We want Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to continue to be our President and Vice President. Let's fall in line and

Verified VoterBolingbrook, IL

President Biden has decided to stay in the race. Every Democrat needs to fully support his candidacy and promote his agenda. The only way to win is to unify behind our candidate. Dissenters have had their say but now we all need to come together with full support and energy to elect him. Our Democra

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