  1. United States
  2. Colo.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Bennet, Rep. Lopez, Sen. Hickenlooper

From: A verified voter in Windsor, CO

November 21

Caution urged on material support provisions impacting free speech The proposed bill seeks to terminate the tax-exempt status of organizations deemed by the IRS to be providing material support to terrorist groups. While curbing terror financing is an important goal, there are concerns that such provisions could be misused to target lawful activists and advocacy groups engaged in civil resistance. Revoking an organization's tax- exempt status based on an expansive definition of "material support" risks stifling legitimate free speech and assembly rights. Before proceeding, careful review is warranted to ensure robust due process protections and prevent abuse for political purposes against progressive movements. Exploring narrowly-tailored approaches focused specifically on demonstrable terrorist ties, rather than overly broad criteria, may better balance security interests with constitutional freedoms.

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