  1. United States
  2. N.Y.
  3. Letter

No mask bans. Make masking a right.

To: Assembly Member Kelles, Sen. Webb, Gov. Hochul

From: A constituent in Freeville, NY

July 3

I am writing to beg that you not only oppose any mask bans but that you make masking in respirator style masks (ie KF94 or N95) an encoded right. Mask bans are being proposed as a way to increase public health. In fact, they will guarantee illness and possible death, which will be disproportionately felt among the elderly, immunocomprised, and disabled populations. And because COVID has an alarmingly high rate of producing long term effects, mask bans will also increase the numbers of people impacted by the policies. Bodily autonomy has been cited as a reason for rolling back mask mandates so it stands that it should also be cited as a guarantee for those who choose to protect themselves and others. No mask bans. Encode the right to mask. It is the only moral and ethical stance and will determine whether I can support anyone with my vote. Thank you. Write

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