  1. United States
  2. Mo.
  3. Letter

Prioritize Environmental Protection Policies

To: Sen. Schmitt, Rep. Cleaver, Sen. Hawley

From: A verified voter in Kansas City, MO

July 14

The accelerating melting of the Juneau Ice Field, one of North America's largest glacial expanses, is extremely alarming and highlights the urgent need for robust environmental protection policies. At a rate of losing 1.4 cubic miles of ice per year between 2010 and 2020, double the pace from previous decades, this ice field has already shed a quarter of its volume since the late 1700s. As carbon emissions continue rising, the complete and irreversible removal of such vital ice masses becomes an increasingly grave risk. Immediate and ambitious action to curb greenhouse gas emissions is imperative to preserve what remains of these glaciers and avoid catastrophic sea level rise. Comprehensive policies promoting renewable energy sources, sustainable transportation, and protection of carbon sinks like forests must be prioritized. The fate of Alaska's glaciers foreshadows the fate of the world's ice reserves and the consequences for coastal communities worldwide. Enacting strong environmental safeguards is crucial to averting this crisis and cannot be delayed further.

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