  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Joe Biden

To: Rep. Thompson, Sen. Padilla, Sen. Butler

From: A verified voter in Santa Rosa, CA

July 13

Did you see Joe Biden’s Ralley in Michigan today. Wake up democrat politicians!!! This man is my president and I voted for him in the primary. He is my candidate. I vote up and down the ballot. You need to talk to your cohorts in congress and tell them to get behind our candidate or get out of our party. We need everyone on our side to beat these fascist republicans. Wake up!!! Do not believe the lying polls and media. The media is so corporate and most are owned by republicans who want their tax breaks and want to destroy our middle class. Watch Free Speech TV. Read Substack. Read Thom Hartman. Get with the program. If we lose this election it will not be the voters it will the democrat politicians who did not stand by our nominee Joe Biden!

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