Support the Judicial Ethics Enforcement Act for Judicial Accountability
  1. United States
  2. S.D.
  3. Letter

Support the Judicial Ethics Enforcement Act for Judicial Accountability

To: Rep. Johnson, Sen. Rounds, Sen. Thune

From: A verified voter in Aberdeen, SD

April 25

The introduction of the Judicial Ethics Enforcement Act is a significant step towards ensuring accountability within the judicial branch. The establishment of an inspector general's office to investigate alleged misconduct and prevent waste, fraud, and abuse, particularly in the Supreme Court, is a necessary reform. This move, in response to recent controversies surrounding Supreme Court justices' ethics and their ties to political donors, is commendable. The inspector general's power to investigate violations of the Supreme Court code of conduct and make recommendations for changes to laws governing the judiciary is crucial. It is urged that this bill, currently referred to the House Judiciary Committee, be supported and expedited for a vote. The integrity of our judicial system depends on such measures.

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