Sad about House passing war aid package
  1. United States
  2. Ga.
  3. Letter

Sad about House passing war aid package

To: Rep. Johnson

From: A verified voter in Decatur, GA

April 21

I am sad that you did not vote “no” on the aid package for Ukraine and Isreal that went through today. I am glad to provide funding to the Ukraine, but I am sickened that we are sending more aid to Isreal for their disgusting war on the Palestinian people and the expansion into Iran. I wrote letters to Sens. Warnock and Ossoff urging them to vote no. I am also distrustful of the motives of Congress concerning Tick Tock. It certainly appears that there are powerful corporations who would like to get their hands on the revenue currently going into the hands of average Americans. I am watching and feeling very sad about the Democratic Party. I fear the worst come November. I realize that things are very complex, but I hope that you and other Democrats will stand up for what is right, or I can’t see how Dems will win.

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