  1. United States
  2. Georgia

Georgia Open Letters

Map PinAtlanta, GA

Embrace responsible cannabis legalization in Georgia

The time has come for Georgia to join the growing number of states that have embraced the full legalization and regulation of cannabis for adult use. By legalizing cannabis, Georgia can unlock a new stream of tax revenue that can be reinvested into vital public services and infrastructure. Beyond th

Map PinAtlanta, GA

Legalize cannabis, end unjust racial disparities in Georgia

Georgia continues to deny its citizens the freedom to legally use cannabis while simultaneously depriving the state of a lucrative new source of tax revenue. Two-thirds of Georgians support legalizing cannabis, yet the state's refusal to do so results in the needless criminalization of tens of thous

Map PinAtlanta, GA

Preserve National Endowment for the Arts funding

It is critical we sustain robust funding for the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). The proposed 25% cut from Representative Brecheen would undermine the NEA's vital work supporting the arts across the nation. The NEA's grants and initiatives directly benefit every Congressional district by deep

Map PinWoodstock, GA

Please get behind and endorse Vice President Harris as the Democratic nominee for President

Map PinAtlanta, GA

Please support Vice Pesident Kamala Harris as the Democrats' nominee for President. Until then I am withholding my small donations. I no longer trust the DNC to commit. They follow the will of their wealthy donors.

Verified VoterAtlanta, GA

I am urging you to speak with President Biden now and tell him to stay in the race. There is too much risk if he ends his campaign. 14 million people voted for Biden to be the party nominee. There are too many legal risks involved in getting another candidate on ballots across the country at this po

Verified VoterPalmetto, GA

Don't Replace Joe Biden

Dear Sirs - I am a senior citizen on a fixed income living in Fulton County, Georgia. I have donated money I could ill-afford to donate and used energy I didn't really have to flip Georgia Blue. Worked and voted for both of you, to elect President Biden, and did so again in the 2024 primary. Pleas

Verified VoterDecatur, GA

Neutralize Trump's mesg: DEMS will save Ukraine "on Day 1"

NEUTRALIZE this talking point of Trump's. When Dems win, WE will end the war in Ukraine in ONE DAY. Because Putin is waiting for Trump. No matter who wins our election, the war in Ukraine will end. If Trump wins, Putin wins and Ukraine falls. An entire, modern European country obliterated. Ukrain

Map PinAtlanta, GA

Urgent Call for New Leadership in the 2024 Election

I hope this message finds you well. As a concerned citizen of Georgia, I am writing to reiterate my previous request and underscore the urgency of the situation regarding the upcoming 2024 presidential election. Our nation is at a critical juncture, and it is imperative that we do everything in ou

Map PinAtlanta, GA

We Need a New Democratic Nominee

This election is too important to leave it to chance. Donald Trump is a threat to our democracy and must be stopped. In my last letter, I indicated that I first met Joe Biden in 2008 when he was running for VP. He was a complete rockstar and on top of his game. Unfortunately, he continues to demons

Verified VoterTucker, GA

No more lanes of traffic without equal rail transit

I was asked to comment on the proposal to add express lanes to I-285 in Atlanta but zero additions to more sustainable rail. We pay our DOT head a lot of money to settle for this mediocrity? How will we ever be able to expand the metro area with half-ass projects like this?

Verified VoterPalmetto, GA

Please speak out FORCEFULLY Un support of President Biden, and urge your colleagues to do likewise. WE GEORGIA DEMOCRATIC VOTERS do not want to change - we are with Joe all the way, and we far outnumber the pundits & pollsters & traitors who think we should abandon him after he's fought so hard for

Verified VoterAtlanta, GA

I support President Biden as the Democratic Party nominee for President. I voted for him in the primary and in 2020. Because of his leadership, I feel more confident about where the country is today and where we are going. He is working hard to help Americans thrive financially. The economy and en

Verified VoterMarietta, GA

The Supreme Court has overstepped its authority and descended into corrpution

I'm writing today to ask you to support Rep. Ocasio- Cortez' impeachment of the activist Supreme Court justices and their destruction of the rule of law in this country. Justices Thomas and Alito both have connectons to Donald Trump's Stop the Steal organization, which inaccurately and illegally mai

Map PinAtlanta, GA

Support President Biden's 2024 bid for the nation's progress

The recent debate performance by President Biden has understandably raised concerns among Democratic senators about his ability to effectively take on former President Trump in the 2024 election. However, it would be unwise to make a rash decision based on a single event. President Biden has a prove

Map PinAtlanta, GA

Urgent Request for New Leadership in 2024

I hope this message finds you well. As a concerned citizen of Georgia, I am writing to urge you to encourage President Biden to step aside and allow a new candidate to be nominated for the upcoming presidential election. It is imperative that we present the strongest possible candidate to ensure th

Map PinAtlanta, GA

Urgent Request for New Leadership in 2024

I hope this message finds you well. As a concerned citizen of Georgia, I am writing to urge you to encourage President Biden to step aside and allow a new candidate to be nominated for the upcoming presidential election. It is imperative that we present the strongest possible candidate to ensure th

Verified VoterDecatur, GA

Protect democracy, reconsider presidential immunity ruling

The recent Supreme Court ruling granting broad immunity to the president is deeply concerning for the health of American democracy. By allowing the president to take actions that may violate the law under the guise of official duties without considering their motives, this decision places the presid

Map PinAtlanta, GA

Flip the ticket Be Bold No one better to take on Trump than a Bad Ass Prosecutor. He is a cheater and a criminal and must be stopped… Do we really want to become the whining victims he leads us to be? No, we are strong - not in bullying, cheating, and violence but in strong in grit, determination

Map PinAtlanta, GA

Please support President Biden's 2024 campaign. Should Mr. Trump, the convicted felon win, I fear the chaos that will ensue. American democracy is dying and we have to fight to save it.

Verified VoterMacon, GA

Support Justice Democrats

I recently received a fundraiser text asking what the DNC could do to earn my support. My answer is to openly support Justice Democrats and to denounce AIPAC. I hope you consider doing this. It is my litmus test.

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