  1. United States
  2. Wisc.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Baldwin, Sen. Johnson, Rep. Moore

From: A constituent in Milwaukee, WI

July 3

I am absolutely furious re "agenda 2025" which reads exactly as a Nazi plan for a future of racism, sexism, sectarianism, and ablism. (My Jewish-Polish grandmother immigrated to the US as a teen, I do NOT reference the Nazis lightly. I also cannot ignore how often I've seen Trump flags proudly placed beside Nazi & Confederate flags.) This in combination with Mondays SCOTUS decision is terrifying. No human can be above the law. Additionally, I would like to encourage you to support AOC's move to impeach Alito & Thomas. (Additionally, I know contacting Johnson's office is useless, but I am doing so anyway.)

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