Ron Johnson


  1. United States
  2. Wisconsin
  3. Sen. Ron Johnson

Sen. Ron Johnson

% Approval
Map PinMilwaukee, WI

Writing to ask you to vote *against* S2073 & HR7891. The result of both is Civil Rights violations, not child protection. They will increase the hazards to already marginalized kids & adults. Thank you,

Verified VoterHudson, WI

Denounce the articles of impeachment against Vice-President Harris

Tennessee Representative Andy Ogles' introduction of new articles of impeachment against Vice President Kamala Harris lacks substantive grounds and appears motivated by political agendas rather than genuine concerns over misconduct. This endeavor amounts to a misuse of Congress' oversight powers as

Verified VoterHudson, WI

Enact police reform through George Floyd Justice Act

The House should pass the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act of 2024 to enact vital reforms to law enforcement practices and increase accountability. This comprehensive legislation incorporates many key measures that President Biden and Vice President Harris have championed, such as: - Banning cho

Verified VoterHudson, WI

Ban Conversion Therapy

Conversion therapy is a harmful and discredited practice that puts LGBTQIA+ youth at significant risk of depression, low self-esteem, substance abuse, and suicidal behavior. Despite being condemned by major medical and mental health organizations, a shocking new report from the Trevor Project reveal

Verified VoterMonona, WI

Support President Biden for reelection

As one of your constituents in Wisconsin, I would like to express my frustration regarding the current conversations occurring over President Biden. I urge you to stand with who we voted for in the primary election, and therefore best represent us as you promised to do. Right now, any division, such

Map PinMadison, WI

President Biden should Withdraw from the 2024 Presidential Race

President Biden's flagging support demands bold action to unite voters Biden should drop out of the 2024 presidential race to allow Democrats to nominate a new candidate that has broader support within the party, according to the findings of a recent AP- NORC poll. The survey revealed a significant

Verified VoterHudson, WI

Pass the H.R.5658 - Vote by Mail Tracking Act

The Vote by Mail Tracking Act aims to enhance the integrity and transparency of mail-in voting by requiring all mail ballots for federal elections to be tracked using the United States Postal Service's barcode service. This measure would enable individual ballots to be traced throughout the mailing

Verified VoterHudson, WI

Balanced approach to online content regulation needed

The increasing push to restrict and even criminalize online pornography raises significant concerns about free speech and personal liberty. While shielding children from age-inappropriate content is a valid goal, blanket bans and harsh penalties risk violating the rights of consenting adults. A more

Map PinMadison, WI

Co-Sponsor reauthorization of autism cares act

I am writing to you as a concerned constituent and advocate for autistic individuals and their families. I urge you to co-sponsor and support the reauthorization of the Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support (CARES) Act. This crucial legislation, originally enacted in

Verified VoterHudson, WI

Change election fundraising laws

Election laws must be reformed to prevent wealthy individuals from exerting undue influence on the electoral process through massive political donations. The report that Elon Musk plans to donate $45 million per month to a pro-Trump super PAC is deeply concerning. This astronomical sum from a single

Verified VoterSpooner, WI

Skip the Netanyahu Speech

I am writing to urge you to reject Netanyahu's speech to Congress on the 24th. Conservative estimates have over 180,000 people murdered in Gaza by his regime in Israel. These people are not terrorists, they're citizens. Women and children bombed with our tax dollars against our will. I have watched

Verified VoterRiver Falls, WI

Biden should consider withdrawing presidential candidacy to preserve democracy

Biden should withdraw presidential candidacy to preserve democracy

Verified VoterBrookfield, WI

Support free school meals for all American children

Congress can afford to feed all school children by reallocating funds from wasteful tax breaks for wealthy individuals and large corporations. During periods of robust economic growth in the past, high taxes on the ultra-wealthy funded programs that benefited society as a whole. It is evident that i

Map PinMadison, WI

Ensuring judicial accountability, upholding constitutional rights

The Supreme Court's recent rulings have generated significant public concern about preserving democratic rights and principles. We must explore all lawful means to hold the Court accountable and ensure its judgments align with foundational constitutional values. Congress needs to act now to protect

Map PinMilwaukee, WI

I am absolutely furious re "agenda 2025" which reads exactly as a Nazi plan for a future of racism, sexism, sectarianism, and ablism. (My Jewish-Polish grandmother immigrated to the US as a teen, I do NOT reference the Nazis lightly. I also cannot ignore how often I've seen Trump flags proudly pla

Verified VoterHudson, WI

Biden Administration Trans Youth Statement

The Biden administration's recent statement opposing gender-affirming surgery for transgender minors is concerning. Medical decisions about gender-affirming care should be made between patients, their families, and healthcare providers on an individual basis – not dictated by politicians. The Human

Verified VoterBrookfield, WI

Rein in Unchecked Presidential Powers, Uphold Accountability

The decision in Trump v. United States is a severe blow to the principle of accountability and the separation of powers enshrined in the Constitution. Granting presidents sweeping immunity from prosecution for actions related to their official duties is an unprecedented overreach that places the exe

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