  1. United States
  2. N.J.
  3. Letter

Urgent action needed for Gaza ceasefire and peace negotiations

To: Rep. Kim, Sen. Menendez, Sen. Booker

From: A constituent in Bordentown, NJ

May 29

The ongoing conflict in Gaza has led to unimaginable suffering and loss of innocent lives. Israel's ground invasion of Rafah and the shelling of designated "safe zones" resulting in civilian casualties, including women and children, is a grave violation of international humanitarian law. Such actions undermine the prospects for peace and fuel further cycles of violence. A ceasefire is urgently needed to prevent more senseless bloodshed. International pressure must be applied on all parties to immediately halt hostilities, protect civilians, and work towards a lasting political resolution. Continued military escalation will only prolong the suffering and make a just peace more elusive. The world cannot stand idly by as this conflict rages on. Decisive action for a ceasefire and renewal of credible peace negotiations is imperative to break this tragic pattern of violence.

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