  1. United States
  2. Mass.
  3. Letter

Alleviate Housing Crisis

To: Sen. Rush, Gov. Healey, Rep. Montano

From: A constituent in Jamaica Plain, MA

June 3

I am writing as a concerned constituent in Jamaica Plain to urge you to alleviate housing and rent price pressures in Massachusetts and, particularly, in Boston and Greater Boston. As you likely know, housing prices in the last ten years have close to doubled. The typical home here now costs $950,000, according to a recent Boston Globe Article from May 2024. Rent continues to rise for apartments housed by students, families, and folks of all income levels. In fact, the average rent is over 100% higher in Boston than the national average, making Mass the most expensive state to be a renter in the United States. I love living here, and I share the many progressive values of other constituents and our representatives. However, how can students, young professionals, folks from diverse incomes and backgrounds, parents, and elders consider moving here or even continuing to live here? From a Boston University article, “the largest segment of people leaving [the state]…are ages 26 to 34.” It is no coincidence that the income and lifestyles of this demographic are not compatible with the incredible housing shortage and high rent in Boston and Greater Boston. Combined, my partner and I make $150,000 yearly as a household, but we are unable to afford or even find a house or condo available to own. We want to stay here in the state we call home. It is no overstatement to say that we are experiencing a housing crisis. Please consider implementing statewide rent control and increasing opportunities for housing, such as restricting the number of properties corporate landlords can own. Thank you for listening to your constituents and considering my voice.

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