  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Stand Up Today for Women & Reproductive Autonomy

To: Sen. Padilla, Rep. DeSaulnier, Sen. Butler

From: A constituent in Walnut Creek, CA

May 7

Protect women’s rights and institute a national bill that protects maternal health both in pregnancy and post delivery. The US has the highest mortality rate and as the richest country in the world treats its mothers like this? The life givers? Horrendous. Appalling. Worse, states are allowed to spend tax payer resources on not only denying women reproductive healthcare but also charge them with crimes- penalties much higher for abortion than that of rape, domestics violence, and other oppressive acts against women. This is a problem. Find a solution and work across party lines to make women and children safer in this country. More must be done TODAY. Act to protect women and mothers now. We are counting on you, or we will vote you out of office. You are here to represent all of your constituents, of which over half are women- speak up more and louder for us!

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