  1. United States
  2. Letter

Prioritize revitalizing K-12 public education amid record dissatisfaction

To: V.P. Harris

From: A constituent in Seattle, WA

August 20, 2024

The latest Gallup poll shows a concerning trend - Americans' satisfaction with the quality of K-12 education has fallen to a record low of just 36%. This dissatisfaction cuts across party lines, with Republicans at a new low of 25% satisfaction and Democrats also well below their historical average. While parents remain largely satisfied with the education their own children receive, the systemic issues plaguing public education cannot be ignored. Given these alarming statistics, I urge you to prioritize major reforms and increased funding to improve public education nationwide. Every child, regardless of zip code or socioeconomic status, deserves access to high-quality schools that prepare them for future success. We must work to retain and support talented teachers, update curricula and resources, and address underlying inequities. A robust public education system is vital for developing an educated, skilled workforce and upholding the American dream of equal opportunity. The current state of affairs is unacceptable. Our children's futures and our nation's prosperity depend on decisive action to revitalize public education from the ground up. I implore you to make this a top priority and spearhead comprehensive, evidence-based solutions. The overwhelming public dissatisfaction reflected in this poll cannot be disregarded - our students deserve better, and real change is urgently needed.

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