- United States
- Letter
An Open Letter
To: Pres. Biden
From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA
August 27
Every day that the United States continues to fund the Israeli government's actions against Palestinian civilians, your hands are stained with the blood of innocent people. There are hundreds of photos, testimonies, and accounts of killing, maiming, and harassing of Palestinian civilians by the Israeli defense forces. This violence completely disrespects human rights and international law, and your support equates to endorsement of these inhumane actions. I urge you to reevaluate your stance on this critical matter. America purports itself to be the global beacon of democracy, justice, and human rights but with every billion sent to fund these atrocities, you undermine these values. Remember that tax dollars are not just numbers on a sheet; they are a reflection of our nation's policy priorities. The consistent devaluation of Palestinian lives sends a clear message that some human lives are seen as less valuable than others. The Palestinian civilians who are being killed and wounded in record numbers are not just collateral damage in a political conflict; they are humans with intrinsic value who deserve better than being pawns in a heartbreaking power game. I strongly implore you to halt US fundings to Israel's brutal actions against Palestinians - if not from a place of empathy and justice, then at least for the preservation of American credibility on global issues. Palestinians deserve to live, just like all other humans. By staying silent or justifying these killings, you not only betray them but also betray the fundamental principles that guided the founding of America. As an American citizen and a voter, I urge you to stand on the side of justice and human dignity and rethink your support of Israel's actions that amount to blatant murder. Democracy dies in silence - and so do innocent people. May we each do all we can to ensure neither of those tragedies continue to happen.
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