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  2. Texas
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To: Sen. Cruz, Sen. Cornyn, Rep. Pfluger

From: A verified voter in Mason, TX

September 5, 2024

Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Conundrum of the day. What came first? Republicans pushing Russian propaganda? Or Russians pushing Republican propaganda? “Trump’s vision of the United States is one of darkness and carnage. As Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz said today, “It is a deliberate effort by some people to make them believe that our political system is broken. To make them believe that things are pessimistic. My God, every time I hear Donald Trump give a speech, it’s like the next screenplay for Mad Max or something. They are rooting against America.” That bleak version of the United States, it turns out, echoes the talking points Russian handlers gave to their operatives working in the U.S. in an effort “to steer the U.S. public opinion in the right direction.” The Russians directed their U.S. employees to emphasize the following “campaign topics”: “Encroaching universal poverty. Record inflation. Halting of economic growth. Unaffordable prices for food and essential goods”; “Risk of job loss for white Americans”; “Privileges for people of color, perverts, and disabled”; “Constant lies of the [Democratic] administration about the real situation in the country”; “Threat of crime coming from people of color and immigrants”; “Overspending on foreign policy and at the interests of white US citizens”; “Constant lies to the voters by [Democrats] in power.”  The target audience of the campaign was “[Republican] voters,” [Trump] supporters, “Supporters of traditional family values,” and “White Americans, representing the lower-middle and middle class.” The focus was in particular on “[r]esidents of "swing states whose voting results impact the outcomes of the elections more than other states.” Russian operatives called in bold type for Russia “to put a maximum effort to ensure that the [Republican] point of view (first and foremost, the opinion of [Trump] supporters) wins over the US public opinion. This includes provisions on peace in Ukraine in exchange for territories, the need to focus on the problems of the US economy, returning troops home from all over the world, etc.” Sound familiar? It should since your candidate for president is one of the main parrots of this propaganda. It also turns out that one of the items pushed was the video of Tucker Carlson in a Russian grocery store gushing over the low prices. Useful idiot. Thankfully it looks like the Justice Dept is about to start doling out consequences for a foreign government interfering in our politics, with the aiding and abetting of right wing organizations and conservative influencers. Whose protestations that they didn’t have a clue ring hollow. But they seemed unable to resist the enormous payday associated with their spreading of information designed to destroy our country. There’s a morality play somewhere in all this. So my question is, is the GOP the chicken? Or the egg?

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