  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in San Antonio, TX

July 9

Your achievements over the course of an incredibly challenging presidential term are nothing short of miraculous. We have, however, reached the point where there is a stark divide between your personal goals and the imperative to keep the MAGA nightmare at bay. Recently the First Lady said “Joe isn’t just the right person for the job, he's the only person for the job.” This kind of willful self-regard is eerily reminiscent of your counterpart's insistence that "I alone can fix it." While probably nothing could ever convince us that you are as heedlessly ego-driven as that charlatan from Queens, your defiant "strategy" of maintaining your grip on the nomination, in the face of compelling evidence that your candidacy will almost certainly result in the destruction of our democracy, serves to drastically diminish the distinction to be made between you - a heretofore empathetic and honorable statesman - and that other guy, a shameless carnival barker. In the end, Mr. President, what really matters here? Your desire to have served two terms, or the fate of freedom and decency? Please, please release your delegates, and please extract from them the promise to place Vice President Harris at the top of the ticket.

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