  1. United States
  2. Fla.
  3. Letter

Call for immediate Gaza ceasefire and urgent humanitarian aid.

To: Sen. Rubio, Rep. Salazar, Sen. Scott

From: A constituent in Miami, FL

May 29

I am writing to urge an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip and Israel to stop the humanitarian catastrophe and further loss of innocent lives. The escalating violence has already led to unfathomable death and destruction, with thousands killed, injured, displaced, and nearly two hundred civilians held hostage, including children and elderly. Gaza is suffering from severe food shortages due to the siege imposed by Israel, with the entire population facing crisis, emergency or catastrophic levels of food insecurity. Neighbourhoods have been reduced to rubble, forcing Palestinians to flee their homes with nowhere safe to go. During this ceasefire, all parties must facilitate the urgent delivery of lifesaving aid like food, medical supplies and fuel to Gaza, as well as the safe passage of humanitarian staff. Civilian hostages, especially children and the elderly, must be unconditionally freed. Humanitarian convoys must be allowed access to UN facilities, schools, hospitals and other protected sites in northern Gaza. Israel's orders for civilians to evacuate northern Gaza must also be rescinded, and critically ill patients allowed medical evacuation. The cycle of violence against innocent civilians cannot continue. Families need a respite to bury and mourn their dead. Global leaders and the UN Security Council must take immediate action to ensure this ceasefire comes into effect, as it remains the only way to avert further civilian casualties and a worsening humanitarian disaster. Prolonging this crisis will be a stain on our collective conscience. Civilians are not bargaining chips - preserving human life must be the top priority.

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