An open letter to Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez, Sen. Cantwell, Sen. Murray.
  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez, Sen. Cantwell, Sen. Murray

From: A verified voter in Vancouver, WA

May 8

I am your constituent and I am fed up with “facility fees” added to medical bills. Even if the process were transparent, we have to pay them anyway to get to our doctor or have our outpatient procedure/tests performed. Some companies even add them on to tele-health phone calls. This is another way to squeeze money out of the system and us since insurance does not often cover the fees. We really are being held hostage. Increased transparency is not the answer - the answer is to eliminate this kind of deceptive practice. HR 3421 does that with global budgets that cover a medicalI am your constituent and I am fed up with “facility fees” added to medical bills. Even if the process were transparent, we have to pay them anyway to get to our doctor or have our outpatient procedure/tests performed. Some companies even add them on to tele-health phone calls. This is another way to squeeze money out of the system and us since insurance does not often cover the fees. We really are being held hostage. Increased transparency is not the answer - the answer is to eliminate this kind of deceptive practice. HR 3421 does that with global budgets that cover a medical facility’s infrastructure costs. I want you to get that passed and start protecting Americans - All Americans. facility’s infrastructure costs. I want you to get that passed and start protecting Americans - All Americans.

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