  1. United States
  2. Ore.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Wyden, Sen. Merkley, Rep. Blumenauer

From: A constituent in Portland, OR

July 17

We are set to lose this election. My sources tell me Democratic leaders have now essentially given up on trying to find a way to beat Donald Trump. This is so distressing to voters! We cannot give up our democracy this easily and without doing all we can. Please, do something to spark enthusiasm for democrats among voters! Trumps voters are seeking strength, and as a result, millions will vote against their own interests, and without understanding the consequences. Democratic voters and not engaged and not enthusiastic about their choice. Joe Biden has been an excellent president, but I am terrified he can’t win, and that if he remains on the ticket, we will not regain the House, and will lose the Senate. Please do something! Thank you for your work on our behalf.

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