  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Investigate potential Trump bribery by Egypt, preserve democratic integrity

To: Rep. Johnson, Sen. Cook

From: A verified voter in Houston, TX

August 7

Based on the revelations from The Washington Post's investigation, there are deeply concerning questions about whether former President Trump received bribes or illegal campaign contributions from the Egyptian government in 2016. The reported $10 million cash withdrawal from an Egyptian intelligence-linked bank account just before the election, combined with Trump's shifting policy positions benefiting the Egyptian regime afterward, suggest potential corruption and undue foreign influence over the president. Given the gravity of these allegations, a thorough congressional inquiry is warranted to uncover the truth and ensure accountability. Allowing such conduct to go unexamined would undermine democratic principles and the integrity of U.S. elections. While the statute of limitations may have passed for criminal prosecution, Congress has an obligation to the American people to investigate and report on whether the presidency was compromised by bribery from a foreign power. A probe is needed to restore faith in the system and prevent future abuses.

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