- United States
- Letter
Action Speaks Louder Than Words: On Trans Rights and The Fight for a Ceasefire
To: V.P. Harris
From: A constituent in Oceanside, NY
August 24
I want to preface this message with one note. The thing that sets us apart from the other side of the aisle is our ability to hold our candidate accountable, and not blindly follow them no matter what. As a life-long activist, an indigenous person, a queer and nonbinary person, I must highlight what your campaign is sorely missing. We are in a time where trans people are being attacked, having our rights stripped from us, and being killed at rates that are ever-rising. Your solidarity and promise to protect trans and queer rights is PARAMOUNT. We must know we are safe. Right now, neither side wants to even try to broach it. Except, of course, to claim that trans people are the worst of our society — which, I think we both know, is deeply untrue. Further, I implore you to do more in the fight for a ceasefire in Gaza. Repeating long-debunked talking points and propaganda does nothing for you in the eyes of many, and we cannot afford to continue to split our voter base. The same day you stated your commitment to paving the way for a ceasefire, you and Biden sent over multiple millions of dollars worth in arms and ammunitions to Israel. Arms and ammunitions that are being used to bomb schools, homes, and fields of displaced Gazans in tents. I have seen far too many atrocities occurring on the ground in Gaza, from headless babies to flattened humans to a man strapped to the front of an IDF car. That doesn’t even begin to broach what has been proven to occur inside of IDF-run prison camps. Israeli journalists themselves have reported cases of rape and torture that often result in death, rape by animal, starvation, and so much more. There is too much to be done, and your empty words are not enough. People see through them. Israeli people on the ground have been protesting calling for a ceasefire themselves, and have been brutalized by IDF police forces themselves. These are not actions that indicate a country defending itself against a foreign threat. These are actions that indicate a fascist dictator and his need to quiet dissenters. No amount of real estate, oil, or other resources that live in Gaza is worth the horrors that have gone on. No amount of money can wash the blood off of your hands. We must halt all weapon sales to Israel, and offer genuine aid to Palestinians. Lest history books remember you and President Biden in the blood of innocents, rather than the ink of treaties. I want nothing more than to vote for you. I also need for you, as our future president, to be held accountable. Please, I implore you, to do better.
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