  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Uphold peaceful protest rights, deescalate UCLA campus violence safely

To: Gov. Newsom

From: A verified voter in Buena Park, CA

May 1

The right to peacefully assemble and protest is constitutionally protected. While the clashes at UCLA between pro-Palestinian and pro-Israeli protesters are concerning, all individuals involved must be allowed to exercise their freedom of speech and assembly without fear of violence or harm. Law enforcement intervention is crucial to deescalate tensions and ensure public safety while upholding these fundamental civil liberties. Condemning the reported use of fireworks, sticks, and other objects as weapons is warranted, but resorting to physical confrontation undermines the very rights being exercised. All parties should prioritize restraint, mutual understanding, and protecting lives over escalating conflicts, even in the face of differing views.

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