  1. United States
  2. Wash.
  3. Letter

Customer protections during media carriage disputes

To: Sen. Murray, Rep. Gluesenkamp Perez, Sen. Cantwell

From: A constituent in Longview, WA

September 5, 2024

Dear lawmakers, I am writing to express my concern about the ongoing carriage dispute between Disney and DIRECTV, which has left many customers, including myself, without access to key channels such as ESPN and ABC. As a regular subscriber who pays my monthly bill, I find it deeply frustrating and unfair to be caught in the middle of this dispute. As you may be aware, this issue has prevented viewers from accessing important programming and sports events that are integral to their entertainment and information needs. Despite fulfilling my financial obligation by paying my monthly subscription fee, I am unable to enjoy the channels and content that were promised when I signed up for the service. This situation highlights a larger issue of consumer rights and the need for regulatory oversight to ensure that customers are not penalized for disputes between media companies. I urge you to consider advocating for stronger protections for consumers in these types of disputes. Ensuring that subscribers receive the services they are paying for, even during carriage disputes, is essential to maintaining fairness and trust in the industry. Thank you for your attention to this matter. I hope you will consider taking steps to address these concerns and support fair practices for all consumers. Sincerely, Garrett Beauregard

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