  1. United States
  2. Mich.
  3. Letter

Stop Gun Violence

To: Gov. Whitmer, Rep. DeBoer, Sen. Victory

From: A verified voter in Holland, MI

September 5

The devastating school shooting at Apalachee High School is yet another tragic reminder of the urgent need for comprehensive gun reform in our nation. The senseless loss of young lives and the trauma inflicted on survivors demands that we take decisive action to address this epidemic of gun violence. Common-sense measures supported by a vast majority of Americans, such as strengthening background checks, banning assault weapons and high-capacity magazines, implementing red flag laws, and funding research into gun violence prevention, have proven effective in reducing such tragedies where implemented. We cannot continue to accept inaction while our communities and schools remain vulnerable. Bold leadership is required to prioritize public safety over special interests and implement meaningful gun reforms that will make our nation safer. The time for thoughts and prayers alone is long past – we need action to prevent further heartbreaking loss of life.

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