  1. United States
  2. Md.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden, Rep. Mfume, Sen. Cardin, Sen. Van Hollen

From: A verified voter in Halethorpe, MD

July 10

We need your vocal opposition to the Heritage Foundation. Project 2025, spearheaded by the Heritage Foundation, outlines deeply troubling policy proposals across critical areas of governance. Of utmost concern is its targeted attack on civil rights protections, particularly through its efforts to dismantle affirmative action and diversity, equity, and inclusion programs. These initiatives are essential for addressing historical injustices and fostering equal opportunities, particularly for Black Americans and other marginalized communities. Additionally, the Foundation's advocacy against reproductive rights, LGBTQ protections, and its support for aggressive immigration policies reflect regressive ideologies that threaten our nation's commitment to equality and justice. Equally concerning are the Foundation's plans for aggressive detentions and massive deportations under the guise of national security, despite dismissing claims of a “coup.” These policies could lead to severe human rights violations and undermine our country's commitment to compassion and fair treatment of immigrants. As your constituent and a concerned citizen, I urge you to prioritize civil rights in your opposition to Project 2025 and similar initiatives. Our nation's integrity and commitment to justice demand leadership that champions inclusivity, environmental stewardship, and economic fairness. Please use your platform to vocally oppose and actively resist the Heritage Foundation's harmful agenda. Uphold democratic principles and defend the rights and dignity of every American.

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