  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Butler, Sen. Padilla, Rep. Sherman

From: A constituent in Woodland Hills, CA

November 22

a people in their lives, donated, hoped, prayed—we are feeling alon e and gaslit by the Democratic establishment. The moment a Republ We are running out of time for recounts. The millions that voted fo ican says ANYTHING, we're told to stop and listen and pay attention . But where are our voices? r you, wrote letters, called voters, cut off relationships with mag AY. ase call for recounts. If he really won all 7 swing states, we can accept it. What we can't accept is this pretense that everything is okay. IT IS NOT OK st powerful position in the world. If violence is what they want, then let's do it for the sake of justice and transparency, not hate and bloodlust. Ple I'm sure Democrats are afraid of violence if they call for a recount. THERE WILL BE VIOLENCE NO MATTER WHAT. We have a fascist about to take over the mo

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