  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Burbank, CA

May 28

The ongoing violence in Gaza has resulted in a catastrophic humanitarian crisis, with countless civilians displaced and injured. The Israeli airstrikes, including the deadly strike on the Rafah camp that killed dozens, have inflicted immense suffering on an already vulnerable population. While recognizing Israel's security concerns, the disproportionate use of force and disregard for civilian lives is unacceptable. A ceasefire must be implemented immediately to halt the escalating loss of life and allow for humanitarian aid to reach those in dire need. The international community has condemned these actions, with the International Court of Justice issuing an order for Israel to cease operations that may destroy the Palestinian people. It is crucial that both sides heed these calls, de-escalate tensions, and prioritize the protection of innocent civilians over continued conflict. A pathway to a just and lasting peace must be sought through dialogue and adherence to international law.

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