  1. United States
  2. Ky.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. McGarvey, Sen. Paul, Sen. McConnell

From: A constituent in Louisville, KY

October 9

Hi, I'm a constituent calling from 40205. I’m really upset about the misinformation being spread by some Republicans in the wake of Hurricane Helene—and in the leadup to Hurricane Milton. This disinformation is being spread for the most cynical reasons imaginable—to score political points—and frankly it’s repugnant. I want to know what you are doing about it. Have you made a statement condemning it? Have you contacted your constituents letting them know what the Federal government is actually doing? This sort of disinformation campaign is irresponsible and dangerous. If there isn’t a law against it there should be. Please ask push back on it, hard. Thanks.

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