  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Butler, Rep. Carbajal, Sen. Padilla

From: A verified voter in Goleta, CA

July 21

It is evident that President Biden's age and perceived decline in cognitive abilities have become a pressing concern for the Democratic Party's prospects in the upcoming elections. While his character and commitment to democratic values are commendable, we must acknowledge that his performance during recent public appearances has raised legitimate doubts about his capacity to lead effectively. The party's unwillingness to confront these issues openly is detrimental to our democratic process. We cannot afford to ignore the warning signs or dismiss the widespread concerns shared privately by party leaders across various levels of government. Failing to address this matter candidly will jeopardize our chances of retaining control of the White House, House, and Senate. It is a harsh reality, but one that demands our attention and action. Our request is simple: the Democratic Party must seriously consider nominating a new candidate for the presidency who can effectively rally the nation and lead with the vigor and clarity required to tackle the immense challenges we face. This decision should be driven by a genuine commitment to upholding the principles we claim to champion, rather than a fear of potential backlash or a misguided sense of loyalty.

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