  1. United States
  2. Hawaii
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Fukunaga, Rep. Garrett, Gov. Green

From: A constituent in Honolulu, HI

June 28

The US Supreme Court just delivered another blow to the human rights of millions of Americans. It's uplifting of sleeping bans in public spaces, even when their is no place for them to go is cruel and unusual and I don't care what people with guaranteed lifelong employment think. I urge you to provide homeless protection in the upcoming session. Whether it's codifying bans on sleeping bans in our constitution, more public housing, sponsoring safe injection sites, seizing abandoned homes by eminent domain to be used as housing, or expanding mental health facilities in the state. What we cannot do is to continue to demonize and punish people who have no control over their situation. We cannot be cruel to our most vulnerable population. Our solution can't be found by throwing them in prison and turning a blind eye in hopes that the prison can work a miracle. We should be providing support and mental health relief saving arrests for only a last resort. These people are human beings, they are more than a headline in a scare crime story; they are more than an eye sour for tourists, they are more than a burden they are our aunties and uncles who have no where else to go, and are in a hopeless situation . And we should be showing them love and compassion not with disdain. It is the bare minimum, we can do for our sick neighbors.

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