  1. United States
  2. Hawaii

Hawaii Open Letters

Map PinKapolei, HI

Get behind Biden, or get out of his way!

I am a Bernie Sanders voter, former sales and business manager, a former and possibly future teacher, and current homeschool parent. I have voted for all of you. I support Joe Biden in his continuing bid to remain President. Change the conversation. Joe has proven himself as a politician who under

Map PinHonolulu, HI

Support Biden

I apologize, oh beleaguered staff member of congressperson, but I'm yet another person writing to you about President Biden. I have no idea who is telling him to step aside, but holy cats would that be an unforced error. Yes, there are old (ironic!), wealthy white men who don't want him to run

Map PinHonolulu, HI

Support AoC articles of impeachment for Judge Thomas and Alito. Both have shown blatant corruption on multiple occasions. We the people have been sending warnings to you guys for years and now. And now America's darkest future is now realized. They haved paved away for American dictatorship, strippe

Map PinHonolulu, HI

The US Supreme Court just delivered another blow to the human rights of millions of Americans. It's uplifting of sleeping bans in public spaces, even when their is no place for them to go is cruel and unusual and I don't care what people with guaranteed lifelong employment think. I urge you to provi

Map PinHonolulu, HI

Too many pieces of media are being purged or destroyed without notice or warning. From Warner Max purging finished projects for tax credits to Paramount ,deleting 25 years of content and the law suits threatening to dismantle the Internet archives. We are facing the destruction of the digital librar

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