  1. United States
  2. Letter

TURN FLORIDA BLUE! Help educate the misled community

To: V.P. Harris

From: A verified voter in Miami, FL

October 6

I am a Cuban American. Other Cubans falsely believe all Dems are communists. Can we please address this lie in their own media. Clarify the lie My suggestion is to target the audience that believes these lies explaining how the lies originated, evidence of how it isn't true, explain the autocrati c nature of the Republican presidential nominee as the real problem with communistic traits and a reiteration that Kamala Harris is a capitalist. She ha s a history of serving the people. The other guy only has a history of serving himself and a narcissistic tendency to worship autocrats. Let them list en to it in their radio stations, tv stations and local newspapers We have 30 days to do this! Let's do this!

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