  1. United States
  2. Ohio
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Vance

From: A verified voter in North Canton, OH

September 14

I have never been more ashamed to be a citizen of Ohio than I am right now. You represent us. You represent our state. You are supposed to highlight our best qualities not build upon our worst. Your thoughtless, strange, and cruel attacks on legal Haitian migrants is bewildering. You are a sitting senator and your party’s vice presidential nominee. Your actions have helped a racist lie turn into tangible threats against a community of people who are here legally and who contribute to the community in Springfield, OH. You have a moral obligation to uphold the truth and guard the safety of your constituents regardless of ethnicity or skin color. If you cannot meet that obligation, you should immediately step down. The office you are seeking requires an even larger commitment. You must be a Vice President and civic leader for all Americans. If you cannot summon the moral courage to step into that role now, we know you will abandon us and you should drop out of the race right now.

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