  1. United States
  2. S.D.
  3. Letter

Impeach Corrupt Justices!

To: Rep. Johnson, Sen. Rounds, Sen. Thune

From: A verified voter in Aberdeen, SD

July 10

Congress has a duty to uphold the integrity of the Supreme Court and ensure ethical conduct by its justices. Recent revelations that Justices Thomas and Alito received substantial undisclosed gifts from individuals with interests before the Court demand thorough investigation and accountability measures. Their failure to disclose these gifts, as required by law, and refusal to recuse themselves from related cases undermines public trust and the Court's impartiality. Impeachment proceedings should be considered to address this apparent ethical breach and restore confidence in the rule of law and our judicial system's independence. The Supreme Court must be held to the highest standards of transparency and conduct befitting such a powerful institution.

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