  1. United States
  2. Mo.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Schmitt, Sen. Hawley

From: A verified voter in Jefferson City, MO

July 13

Support and co-sponsor Senate Joint Resolution 98 to show Congressional Disapproval of USDA's recently released rule mandating electronic tracking of cattle, and help overturn the rule. Mandatory Animal Identification would unreasonably burden farmers and ranchers, while giving corporate multinational meatpackers yet another market advantage. Mandatory Animal Identification creates yet another undue economic burden on Missouri's independent family farm cattle producers. Mandatory Animal Identification is to satisfy monopolistic meatpacker interests to increase their exports markets, their profits, and their control of the U.S. cattle industry. Mandatory Animal Identification does not include identification of imported meats. Mandatory Animal Identification does nothing to increase consumer choice or confidence. Mandatory Animal Identification has no food safety benefits. Mandatory Animal Identification has the potential to push liability for food safety issues created at corporate meatpacking plants onto family farm producers.

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