Poll worker protection
  1. United States
  2. Del.
  3. Letter

Poll worker protection

To: Rep. Blunt Rochester, Sen. Carper, Sen. Coons

From: A constituent in Newark, DE

April 13

The escalating harassment of election workers, particularly following the 2020 election, is a grave concern. This intimidation has led to significant turnover of election staff in several states, undermining the integrity of our electoral process. The situation is further exacerbated by the lack of adequate support from law enforcement and the justice system. It is crucial to implement stronger coordination between federal and local law enforcement, increase funding for security at election sites, and protect the private information of election officials. Additionally, raising the pay for poll workers and enhancing public access to voting data can help combat disinformation. The protection of election workers is paramount to maintaining the integrity of our democracy. Therefore, it is requested that immediate action be taken to address these issues.

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