  1. United States
  2. Letter

Save America

To: Pres. Biden

From: A constituent in Round Rock, TX

July 9

President Biden You claim to care about what happens to the American people, yet you insist on continuing to run. Your time is up. You had an almost decent run. You had an almost decent run until you started funding a genocide. You say you don't want to see the fall of democracy, which will certainly happen if Trump is re-elected. You say you don't want this to happen, but you won't step down even though you KNOW you are going to lose. You KNOW you are losing supporters not only due to your health, but also because you are sending bombs to massacre children. Our tax dollars should be going to better us, to affordable healthcare and childcare. Our tax dollars should not be sent to commit atrocities on civilians. You claim to care about the horrible things that are being done in our country regarding reproductive rights. THEN DO SOMETHING. You say you'll handle it if you're re-elected. YOU'RE THE PRESIDENT NOW. DO SOMETHING NOW. But you won't do anything now because you are incapable of it, just as you are of your current position. If you really care about what happens to this country, let someone who has a chance run so that fascist ideas like Peoject 2025 do not become a reality.

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