- United States
- Texas
- Letter
Billy Long is misrepresenting himself and is unfit and unqualified
To: Sen. Cornyn, Sen. Cruz
From: A verified voter in San Antonio, TX
December 26, 2024
The nominee for IRS commissioner, Billy Long, lacks the proper qualifications and expertise for such an important leadership role overseeing federal tax administration and enforcement. His purported credential as a "certified tax and business advisor" from a little-known firm requiring only a three-day seminar stands in stark contrast to the rigorous training and certifications held by professional tax accountants, lawyers, and legitimate tax experts. Moreover, his years of experience as a real estate agent and auctioneer, followed by a congressional career pushing to abolish the IRS, do not demonstrate the deep tax policy and management experience typically required for this critical position. Nominating someone so transparently unqualified raises serious concerns about political motivations subverting the integrity and effectiveness of the IRS. An IRS commissioner should have impeccable credentials and a genuine commitment to upholding the nation's tax laws fairly and professionally for all Americans.