  1. United States
  2. Texas
  3. Letter

Rescind pardon enabling violence against peaceful protesters

To: Rep. Cole, Sen. Eckhardt, Lt. Gov. Patrick, Gov. Abbott

From: A verified voter in Austin, TX

May 16

The governor's decision to pardon Daniel Perry, the former Army sergeant convicted of murdering Garrett Foster during a 2020 Black Lives Matter protest, is deeply troubling. This action undermines the legal system and sends a dangerous message that lethal force against peaceful demonstrators may be condoned. Foster was lawfully protesting police brutality when Perry opened fire, killing him. Despite witness testimony that Foster never raised his rifle, Perry claimed self-defense. The jury rejected this claim after reviewing evidence of Perry's racist views toward Black Lives Matter. By pardoning Perry, the state is essentially declaring that the life of a protester does not matter and that lethal violence against them is acceptable. This pardon betrays the principles of equal justice under the law. It signals that certain lives are valued more than others based on personal beliefs. Allowing political pressure to override a lawful conviction chips away at the integrity of the justice system. Setting this precedent erodes public trust and could incite further violence by emboldening extremists. The governor should rescind this ill-advised pardon. Upholding Perry's conviction would reaffirm that extrajudicial killings, especially motivated by racial animus, will not be tolerated. Peaceful protest is a constitutional right that must be vigorously protected, not invalidated through official acts condoning lethal retaliation against demonstrators. Preserving this fundamental freedom is essential for a healthy democracy.

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