  1. United States
  2. Kan.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Rep. Ruiz, Sen. Pettey, Gov. Kelly

From: A verified voter in Kansas City, KS

October 11

Last night I went to the Fall festival that was thrown at 43rd and Mission here in Kansas City that was in favor of the mixed income housing project. I can't tell you how thrilled I was to hear about the project, and apparently the first round of local counselors give it a unanimous thumbs up, but it was vetoed at the state level. Word on the street is that people are vehemently against it, and I'm here to tell you that this is vastly untrue. The thing about angry old bigots is that they have a lot of time on their hands, and that they are the very very loud majority in this neighborhood. I live very close to one of those loud old bigots I can only assume the reason that he's so involved in politics is because we as the collective neighborhood have ostracized him for being so insufferable. Everyone I have spoken to personally has been thrilled about the idea of a small apartment complex going up in that weird eyesore of a lot. I also want to tell you that I recently came back from Seattle and I saw first hand what it is like to have a city where there is absolutely no affordable housing. The homeless popula there was not necessarily aggressive, but I saw at least twice an entire human shit on the sidewalk. I know it's not the most PC or polite thing to talk about, but I don't know how else to drive home the point that there was an entire shit. I don't think we want that in Kansas City. In fact, I know we don't want that in Kansas City. Affordable housing is how we grow and increasing density is how we make a more diverse and affordable neighborhood. Affordable housing is actually why I came to this neighborhood in the first place, and I am a proud resident of Rosedale because of it. It is imperative that we move the commissioners of Kansas City and Rosedale to approve this project. I assure you that everyone that is going to be alive and paying taxes for the next 20 years is going to be happy with this. We want to make Kansas City a real City, and you make real cities by giving dense and affordable housing.

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