  1. United States
  2. Kansas

Kansas Open Letters

Verified VoterKansas City, KS

Last night I went to the Fall festival that was thrown at 43rd and Mission here in Kansas City that was in favor of the mixed income housing project. I can't tell you how thrilled I was to hear about the project, and apparently the first round of local counselors give it a unanimous thumbs up, but i

Verified VoterLeawood, KS

Pass the Energy Permitting Reform Act

It is absolutely crucial that we take action now to end the climate crisis before it is too late. The Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024 introduced by Sens. Manchin and Barrasso would cut US emissions by up to 25% over the next two decades. If we want a world to leave behind to our children and gr

Verified VoterGarden Plain, KS

American Stability Act

The American Stability Act would make five key changes to our tax and wage systems. From what I’ve learned, it seems to be an excellent start to reducing economic inequality in our nation. Please tell me your thoughts on this bill. Thank you for your time and attention!

Verified VoterDodge City, KS

Farm bill written by and for farmers, consumers, workers, & our environment

The current agricultural policy in America is fundamentally flawed, favoring corporate interests over the wellbeing of farmers, consumers, workers, and the environment. It is unacceptable that this critical legislation is being crafted by lobbyists, lawyers, and economists with no real understanding

Verified VoterDodge City, KS

Strong Pro-Israel foreign policy & Stop Iran from destabilizing the region

The United States must stand firmly behind Israel's right to self-defense against the terrorist threat posed by Hamas and other militant groups. Iran's continued supply of arms and funding to these organizations undermines regional peace and security. It is imperative that the U.S. demands Iran imme

Map PinLawrence, KS

Respect International Law

Please respect international law and stop aiding Israel by sending them weapons and other tools used for violence that violates the Geneva Convention.

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