  1. United States
  2. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Pres. Biden

From: A verified voter in Columbia, SC

July 6

I am so proud to be your supporter. I truly believe you saved our country and provided much needed stability to the world when you were elected in 2020. I am terrified to think about the state of the world had you lost. I am a fierce advocate of yours and will forever be grateful for your service and sacrifice. However, I pray that you and the DNC critically evaluate who is best suited to beat Trump and the MAGA movement. I will support whoever the Democratic nominee is; you, Ms Harris, or a newcomer. The most important thing for our country and your legacy, is not whether or not you win in 2024, but that Democrats win at least the presidency and house majority. I wish you luck, strength, and good health for the fight to come; whether as the nominee or a surrogate. Keep the faith.

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