  1. United States
  2. Ala.
  3. Letter

An Open Letter

To: Sen. Livingston, Rep. Ledbetter, Gov. Ivey

From: A verified voter in Rainsville, AL

June 3

Esteemed elected officials, I am writing to you today with a heavy heart and a profound sense of urgency regarding the critical and ongoing safety issues on State Route 40 in Scottsboro, Alabama. As a resident of Rainsville, AL who utilizes this road for frequent travel, I have witnessed firsthand the devastating impact of multiple vehicular accidents on this route. These accidents have resulted in numerous casualties, severe injuries, and tragic dismemberments. One such incident involved my own family. My mother was a victim of a semi-truck accident at the intersection of State Routes 40 and 35. This horrific event led to the loss of her leg and significantly affected her quality of life for over two years. The accident was further compounded by the emotional distress of being unable to provide end of life care for her husband, who passed away from cancer, due to her prolonged hospitalization. This, likewise, forced her to miss final moments with her father as he too was at the end of his life. The perilous conditions on State Route 40, particularly its inability to safely accommodate semi-trucks descending from the mountain, demand immediate attention and action. Just today, another semi-truck lost control and flipped at the bottom of the mountain, underscoring the persistent danger this road poses to all who travel it. It is the understanding of the public that our local government officials have attempted to address this concern. Yet, it seems that nothing has been done. In light of these ongoing tragedies, I implore you to urge local officials to consider re-routing all semi-truck traffic through State Highway 71 and down State Highway 35 immediately. This change would significantly reduce the risk of further accidents mitigating further loss of asset and life, while enhancing the safety of our community and travelers. State Route 40 is simply not equipped to meet the extreme demands commanded of semi-trucks and their operators. Continuing to allow such traffic on this road is a grave oversight wherein the community will hold those responsible for this oversight accountable. As a community and as a state, we have a responsibility to protect our citizens and prevent avoidable tragedies. I urge you to prioritize this issue and take the necessary steps to implement a safer traffic plan for semi-trucks and passerby’s in our region. Thank you for your attention to this critical matter. I look forward to your response and to seeing positive changes that will safeguard the lives of those in our community. Sincerely, Dr. Jesse Floyd

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