  1. United States
  2. Calif.
  3. Letter

Vote NO on HR 764 (Boebert) to Remove Gray Wolves Protection under ESA.

To: Rep. Eshoo

From: A verified voter in Saratoga, CA

May 1

Today I take pen in hand to write and urge you to vote no on HR 764 (Boebert) that would remove the Endangered Species Act protections for gray wolves. A federal court has already ruled in 2022 that de-listing these protections is unlawful and the review by the Department of Fish and Game under Trump was inadequate. Our biodiversity loss is already high. Wolves play a part in keeping many kinds of rats and rodents down, that might be damaging to the very agricultural industries that likes to complain about the wolf population. Please vote no on HR 764. Thank you.

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