Anna Eshoo


  1. United States
  2. California
  3. Rep. Anna Eshoo

Rep. Anna Eshoo

Verified VoterSan Jose, CA

As your constituent, I am strongly opposed to KOSA (Kids Online Security Act): A website can't tell who's a minor without age-verifying every visitor to the site. I don't want to have to scan my face or my ID every time I visit any site on the internet and I don't want that information out there t

Map PinMountain View, CA


Evil oligarchs ANDREESON, HOROWITZ, THIEL, obviously MUSK (and increasingly Zuckerberg and others) are filthy fascist scum who are bringing down democracy in our USA. I want these goddamned Trumpite fascist slime driven the fu€k out of California. I don’t care how you do it, increase their taxes

Verified VoterSan Jose, CA

Now is the time for Democrats to come together. Please issue a statement and send out an email to your constituent list and social media pages confirming your support for Vice President Harris as a Democratic candidate for United States President. This will show leadership and reassurance to your co

Verified VoterMontara, CA

With President Biden's announcement, I'm calling to ask you to publicly show support and stand behind Kamala Harris. Right now, the Democratic Party is at an inflection point. We need to move past the in-fighting and the weeks of speculation, and focus on what's important: uniting as a party, and un

Verified VoterCampbell, CA

It's time for all Democrats to FULLY support President Biden and STOP all talk of replacing him right now! MSM and social media are having a field day saying Dems are divided. Let's stop sabotaging ourselves and unite to concentrate on getting the message out about the dangers of Project 2025 to our

Verified VoterCampbell, CA

Support Supreme Court Reform, Enforce Code of Ethics, Implement Term Limits

The Supreme Court wields immense power over the lives of all Americans, yet it lacks basic ethics rules and accountability measures that ensure impartiality and public trust. Implementing a binding code of ethics and term limits would help restore faith in the Court as a fair, independent, and ethic

Map PinHalf Moon Bay, CA

Stand with President Biden

I want you to stand and announce your support for Biden 2024. We want to be getting excited for the DNC convention. Democrats not standing with Biden and speaking out negatively is hurting the election of all democrats. You are leaving us in an awful position as grass-root supporters. Now the far ri

Verified VoterSan Jose, CA

Please investigate the communications between Judge Aileen Cannon and the Heritage Foundation and other Trump supporters. It may be that there is nothing, but given the corruption we've found at the Supreme Court, we need to know.

Verified VoterCampbell, CA

Support AOC's move for impeachment!

It is crucial to uphold the integrity and impartiality of the Supreme Court. Reports of justices failing to disclose substantial gifts and financial interests raise serious concerns about conflicts of interest and undermining public trust in the judiciary. By introducing articles of impeachment agai

Verified VoterCampbell, CA

Reject Project 2025's authoritarian agenda undermining democracy and rights

Project 2025's authoritarian proposals must be resolutely opposed as they seek to consolidate unchecked executive power, dismantle democratic institutions, and systematically revoke civil rights protections. The plan to reclassify tens of thousands of federal jobs as political appointments constitut

Verified VoterLos Gatos, CA

Protect trans people!

I'm writing to urge you to get the President and all your circles to protect trans rights. My kids are trans, I have trans relatives all over the country. The administration's latest writings, based on MISINFORMATION from the NYT, is unacceptable. Please join your trans colleagues in getting the P

Map PinMountain View, CA

Will you roll over like dogs for SCOTUS & KING TRUMP?

Hi 👋 there. SCOTUS has ruled that the President is a King. Trump can now rule as dictator and order us killed with impunity for dissent. Trump could be worse than Caligula and SCOTUS would cheer. Do you think that “business as usual applies”? Will you issue some weak-kneed complaint then ro

Verified VoterSan Jose, CA

In a case called Snyder v. United States, the court ruled that federal law does not prohibit paying state and local officials for favors if the money isn’t promised in advance. The ruling hinges on a distinction that defies common sense: Prohibited bribes, according to the majority opinion, are “pa

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