- United States
- Texas
- Letter
Protect Our National Security
To: Sen. Cruz, Sen. Cornyn
From: A verified voter in Irving, TX
November 19, 2024
I am writing you today as a constituent who wants to protect the REPUTATION of our country and the CONSTITUTION of our country. I want to share with you Timothy Snyder's (the Richard C. Levin Professor of History and Global Affairs at Yale University) words about the impact of Tulsi Gabbard’s nomination to the position of Director of National Intelligence of the United States on our national security and our national reputation.
"In a world of hostile powers, an intelligence service is indispensable. Intelligence can be abused, and certainly has been abused. Yet it is necessary to consider military threats: consider the Biden administration's correct call the Russia was about to invade Ukraine. It is also necessary to counter the attempts by foreign intelligence agencies, which are constant, to harm American society. This often involves disinformation. Tulsi Gabbard, insofar as she is known at all, is known as a spreader of Syrian and Russian disinformation. She has no relevant experience. Were she to become director of national intelligence, as Trump proposes, we would lose the trust of our allies, and lose contact with much of what is happening in the world -- just for starters. We would be vulnerable to all of those who wish to cause us harm."
If you still stand by your OATH to support our Constitution, please DEMAND to Advise and Consent on this nomination and VOTE AGAINST Gabbard as DNI. Thank you for your attention.