  1. United States
  2. Ala.
  3. Letter

Codify Alabama Library Bill of Rights into law

To: Sen. Beasley, Gov. Ivey, Rep. Blackshear

From: A constituent in Phenix City, AL

July 11

The Alabama Library Association affirms the vital role libraries play in promoting literacy, inspiring lifelong learning, and ensuring free access to information and ideas as outlined in its Library Bill of Rights. To safeguard these core principles and maintain consistent protections for intellectual freedom across the state, legislators should introduce a bill in the 2025 session to codify the Alabama Library Bill of Rights into law. Enacting this legislation ensures equitable access to diverse viewpoints and programming for all Alabamians, prevents undue censorship, upholds patron privacy rights, and reinforces libraries' responsibilities to serve as forums for the free exchange of ideas. Codifying these rights into state law recognizes libraries' invaluable contributions to an informed citizenry and society's marketplace of knowledge.

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